
Call of duty black ops cold war on ps4
Call of duty black ops cold war on ps4

call of duty black ops cold war on ps4

To play the PS5 version, you need to hit the three dots icon next to the play button, and change your selection to the PS5 version. And after that's done, it appears the PS5 may default to the PS4 version when you hit the play button. Here's where some players are getting caught out: if you hit download all - and you'd be forgiven for doing just that if you wanted all the modes available - you download the PS5 and the PS4 version of the game. If you buy the Cross-Gen bundle or the Ultimate Edition of Treyarch and Raven's first-person shooter, you get the PS4 version and the PS5 version.Īfter you buy the game from the PlayStation Store, you're able to pick and choose which parts of Black Ops Cold War to download - I went straight for the PS5 version when prompted. PlayStation 5 users may be playing the PlayStation 4 version of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War by mistake.

Call of duty black ops cold war on ps4